Like any mother, wife, employee and woman, I am constantly making decisions that affect not only myself, but those I love. Decisions about working, decisions about schools, decisions about spending, decisions about caretaking, and last but certainly not least, decisions on dinner every night. I have always been a rather laid-back, easy-going person, so decision making is tough for me. Sometimes I love the decisions I make and other times I hate them. Such is life!
I made a decision about a week after Kate was diagnosed with Congenital Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy. I decided that I would not let this diagnosis "beat up" my family. I decided that we would take on a family motto of live one day at a time, to laugh often and to love generously. Now, I don't wake up ready to live, laugh and love every morning, but I make a conscious decision every day to strive to live, laugh and love. In order to accomplish this, I have had to let go of many things I once deemed important. I've turned down numerous offers to "get away," decided that wearing the same old clothes day after day is not so bad, lost touch with some circles of friends, turned my dining room into a dining room/playroom/therapy room, live in a messy house and love my dog (through my children's eyes...unconditionally), even though he sheds more than any other dog I know.
Sure, it would be nice to go to work somedays, make some money, have nice clothes, take "girl" vacations, buy a bigger house (that comes with a Roomba vacuum), but in the end I have decided to BE HAPPY IN THE NOW. It's not easy to live one day at a time, laugh often and love generously, but I know that this is the decision I must make on a daily basis to ensure that my family comes out victorious. I also don't want to find myself years down the road, looking back at these days, realizing that the busy, fast-paced days of life kept me from truly enjoying the moments.
I'll leave you with this one side note...I received a note from one of my former students today. It said, "Dear Mrs. Conte, You have been my best teacher I have ever met. When I first met you I was really happy. You have taught me alot and I hope you do the same to other people. Love your best student." Well, little friend, you made my heart smile today. Thank you for reminding me to live, laugh and love.