Our Myotonic Dystrophy specialist, Dr. Tetsuo Ashizawa, of the University of Florida (Shands) in Gainesville, attended and served as our guest speaker, educating our guests about Myotonic Dystrophy and research progress. We were thrilled that he, his wife and precious daughter were able to join us for the party. A special thank you to Theo Kouremetis, our friend and chef, who whipped up a fabulous spread of appetizers and gourmet dinner. Delicious! Special thanks also goes to Haley Alvarado for photographing the event and Jeff Green for recording the program. We would also like to thank our friends and family members who helped up set up, cover the children's room, borrow decorations, create a well-wishes book, run for ice, serve drinks and clean up! We couldn't have done it without you.
For those of you that know me, I am teacher by trade, and many of my teacher friends were in attendance. If you are interested in reading a blog from the "teacher" perspective of the event, check out dayle timmons' blog. She was and still is my teaching mentor and truly has a way with words!
Many of you had other obligations and missed the party. We will be posting a recording of the program on this site as soon as it becomes available. If you are interested in reading the poem "Holland" (that I tearfully read during the program) we will have a link on here as well.
We aren't able to announce the details about our future annual fundraising event just yet, but stay tuned....