We finally received the call we have been anxiously waiting for since Tuesday....and good news- Kate's brain scan was normal, so no surgery needed. Hooray! We also received news that the DNA test for Prader Willy came back negative, so we are very relieved. Kate's therapists also feel like she has shown some improvement in her feeding skills as well as her muscle tone. She got her new orthopedic shoes and brace yesterday, so she is now sporting a new fashion trend (well, I don't think anyone will want to copy this trend) and she doesn't really like wearing them. We are now waiting on results from the DNA test for Myotonic Dystrophy (which we don't expect to get for at least a few weeks) and her thyroid blood test.
Our BIG celebration at home has been that Kate has become a little more alert and active and even gave Mommy 3 smiles in a row after her 5am feeding the other day. Mommy was so excited, she cried! Oh, Katie-bug, we have been waiting to see that beautiful smile...thanks for finally sharing it!
We are getting a true lesson in the virtue of patience! For now, we will continue to go to Kate's weekly therapy appointments and doctor appointments, swimming lessons and playdates for Charlie and try to be a normal family. We have such supportive friends and family, which makes this journey we are on right now go a little more smoothly. Thank you all for your love, support and prayers! We are hopeful that we will continue to share only good news from now on!